How to Reset Canon iP2770 Error 5B00:
Follow the step below How to Reset Printer Canon iP2770 Using Manual Method
- The printer is on
- Press and hold the RESUME button then press and hold the POWER button 6 times each and then release both buttons simultaneously (Led will blink briefly then will flash GREEN)
- The computer will detect a new device, just cancel
- This shows the iP2770 printer is in a state of SERVICE MODE and ready to be reset.
- Download Resetter Service Tool V3400 Printer Canon iP2770
- Extract and run the resetter ip2770 by clicking 2 times file Service tool URv3400.exe
- Prepare 2 sheets of paper to print on reset processing time
- SubTab Clear Ink Counter click Main
- SubTab Ink Absorber Counter click main
- Click the EEPROM then printer will start printing sheet of paper. Look the picture below:
- Turn off the printer and turn on again, if the process is successful then the printer resetter will return as its function.